“The world needs the well-rested you, not the exhausted you.”

— Karen Brody


Hi there, thank you for choosing to visit my page amidst the many other some-things that you could (or should) be doing.

In this crazy-busy world we live, I invite you to embark on a journey of rest-full-ness with me.

Deep restorative rest - a going to a space of nothing, where the mind silences, where the heart softens, where the body listens - is the medicine that this world needs.

This is a journey of rest, rise and shine. Are you ready?

Youmin yap, Singapore | nature and forest therapy, forest bathing, shinrin yoku
Youmin, Singapore | Daring to Rest Yoga Nidra facilitator | Rest practice

“Doing no-thing often leads to the very best of something.”

— Pooh

Rest, Rise and Shine

I work with individuals, groups as well as companies to rise up as well-rested leaders. Leaders at companies, leaders at home, leaders at life. Everyone is a leader of his/her life.

Whether through private mentoring sessions, workshops and classes, or project collaborations, I will hold the doors opened for you, and I will be the riverbanks for you - I invite you to flow in your journey. Through yoga nidra, nature therapy and embodied facilitation, I support clients to rest deeply, connect deeply to their selves, and rising up authentically to lead their lives. In the process, I focus on what matters most to you, to embrace your individuality, to be you.

This is YOUR journey of rest-ing, rise-ing and shine-ing.


Projects and collaborations

projects | forest bathing, nature therapy, yoga nidra, rest, for team building, wellness, staff wellbeing, retreats

Whether for guests, employees, or self-s, the provision of a rest-full space supports inner work, creativity and personal growth. I invite you to browse through my portfolio of projects and collaborations here.

What’s on

forest bathing, nature therapy, yoga nidra, rest programmes and projects

Check here for on-going open programmes and projects.


youmin yap | forest therapy guide, yoga nidra facilitator

Youmin’s biography and features of her work.